Is It Time To Upgrade Your Kitchen Appliances?

If you spend long enough in one home, things inevitably change with time. Carpets, three-piece suites, curtains, wallpaper and colour schemes will be updated according to the current fashions. You’ll probably cycle through a flat-screen television at a rate of more than once every five years, as our viewing demands get bigger and bigger and bigger.

You’ll probably even see children grow up and leave home. But kitchen appliances? They have a funny habit of remaining a fixture in many homes.

Partly because they are largely functional items which don’t always contribute much to the aesthetic appeal of our kitchens, partly because of their size, cost and, quite often, the hassle of moving them, many of us seem reluctant to part with our beloved white goods.

When should you upgrade your kitchen appliances?

But when is enough, when do we have to just grasp the nettle and say now is the time for a change? Here are three considerations that might just convince you to take that big step after all.

Makeover time

Whatever your thoughts about the functionality and visual appeal of your appliances, if you come to the decision that your kitchen as a whole needs a makeover, you should think very carefully about changing your white goods. Yes, it adds extra cost. But having all of your units ripped out and replaced is the perfect time to think about a new top of the range cooker, a new fridge freezer, a new washing machine and so on. You can think about different sizes and build them into your plans, you can move things around to your heart’s content. And ever wanted a dishwasher but not known where to put it? Well now is your chance at last.

Energy efficiency

If you are waiting for your old appliances to finally pack in before you invest in new ones, you may be waiting for a long time. Many white goods are built to run and run and run, especially if they are of a certain vintage. However, if your reluctance to change is driven by a desire to get full value from your old contraptions, consider this. Older kitchen appliances - certainly anything over 15 or 20 years - will not have anything like the same energy efficiency ratings as the latest models. Not only are they bad for the environment, but they are also eating up your cash by consuming more power than they need to.

Grabbing a bargain

Finally, if your big question about changing white goods is ‘when?’, one of the most compelling answers is - when you can get a bargain. We might have just missed the Black Friday/Cyber Monday US-inspired end of November sales season, but once Christmas is over - the very next day, in many cases - that means the next round of retail discounting is going to kick in. And if there’s one thing you can be guaranteed to save a few hundred quid on in the January sales, it’s a fridge freezer or a washing machine.

On one final note, if you do find yourself dealing with a packed-in cooker, freezer, tumble dryer, dishwasher, boiler etc over Christmas and have better things to do with your Boxing Day than shopping for a new one, there is an alternative.

Fast reliable appliance repairs 

Go Assist offers fast, guaranteed appliance repairs at fixed prices, and you won’t have to wait for the sales to get great value. Contact us to find out more.


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